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UNSC which is an upper-intermediate committee

The Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations and has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The UNSC’s powers include establishing peacekeeping operations, enacting international sanctions and authorizing military action. The Security Council is the only UN body with the authority to issue resolutions that are binding on member states.

In Mexico, cartels were searching for new drugs to sell. The cartels unconsciously tried new genetically modified plants and chemicals. That’s how they made the Zombie Virus. They didn’t realize that it was a Zombie Virus at first so they sold dozens of them. Affected people’s blood circulation slowed down and they began to hunger for human flesh. This hunger caused the virus to be transmitted through biting.

In this committee, delegates should be in control of the spreading virus, they will also try to control the political crises that come with the virus. In addition to that, delegates have to maximize their creativity and perspective in order to clear the dark path the world has fallen on!

Agenda Item: Zombie Apocalypse

Under Secretary General: Turgut Emir Önder
Academic Assistant: Mesut Ege Çakırer

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