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UNDP which is a beginner committee

The UNDP absorbs itself greatly into the utilization of technological innovations for sustainable growth, and incorporates innovative business models in activities meant to realize equitable prosperity. Ever since 2015, after the adoption of the SDGs, UNDP pledged to play the innovative business activities geared toward strengthening economies and communities worldwide.

Over 4 billion people on the planet don't have access to urban resources because they live outside of the cities. To be able to accomplish SDG 9, focused on industry, innovation, and infrastructure development, this disparity shall be met. This committee is going to debate how to increase the contribution of industry to GDP and jobs through such strategies as are particularly relevant to the goals of each participent of the comitte.

Agenda Item: Integrating creative business models of equitable prosperity and harnessing technological innovation for sustainable growth.

Under Secretary General: Doruk Esen
Academic Assistant: Ramazan Yandı

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